
Manuscript Evaluation

Have you finished writing your novel and want some professional feedback? I can help! I will read your story and provide a written critique addressing the overall strengths and weaknesses. Pricing starts at $500 for 75,000 words.

Consultation/Video Chat

Do you have a draft for a novel and want to know how book editing works? Do you have questions about traditional publishing? I can help! I offer a 30-minute phone consultation for authors to pick my brain about editing and publishing. Pricing starts at $150.


Do you need help writing an engaging, concise description for your book? Do you already have a description and want professional feedback? Could you use some help creating compelling social media posts or other marketing copy? Send me a message today for pricing details!

Book Proposal

Are you ready to find a literary agent or an editor to acquire your story? You will need a book proposal to send along with sample chapters of your work. I can review the proposal you have drafted and offer feedback, or I can help you craft a strong, eye-catching proposal from scratch. Send me a message today to let me know how I can help you! Pricing starts at $300 for a fiction proposal review and critique.


Copyediting is what most people think of when they think of editing. This is the technical nuts-and-bolts edit that ensures precise grammar, correct spelling and punctuation, as well as consistency and accuracy in style and formatting according to The Chicago Manual of Style, 17th edition.

My fiction copyediting services start at $0.025 per word for 75,000 words with a minimum fee of $2,000.


A proofread is a final review of a fully edited manuscript (after the developmental edit, line edit, and copy edit) before it goes to print or is released online. Proofreading focuses on catching typos and correcting factual errors.

My fiction proofreading services start at $35 per hour for 75,000 words.

Line Editing

Line editing is an art. This edit focuses on the language and structure of a book, starting at the word and sentence level. The purpose of this edit is to tighten, strengthen, and polish the writing while also maintaining the author’s voice, which is done by addressing weak verbs, vague nouns, repetition, and syntax. This edit generally does not focus on grammatical technicalities, although obvious errors will often be corrected.

For a book to be ready for line editing, the main elements of the story should be sound and complete. Typically a line edit occurs after a developmental/substantive/macro edit, which focuses on big-picture elements such as plot, character arc, and theme.

With my meticulous approach, I ensure that your manuscript will be polished and ready for the next step in your journey to publishing (usually copyediting or proofreading). The edit is done via Microsoft Word using Track Changes and comments. I also create a detailed style sheet. My fiction line editing services start at $0.03 per word for 75,000 words with a minimum fee of $2,500.

“Reading fiction not only develops our imagination and creativity, it gives us the skills to be alone. It gives us the ability to feel empathy for people we’ve never met, living lives we couldn’t possibly experience for ourselves, because the book puts us inside the character’s skin.”

—Ann Patchett